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1) How do I enroll in the post-master’s internship?

By sending the documentation provided for in art. 6, of Regulation no. 63/2019/CPG, of 12/12/2019 available on the link Legislation and Standards” on our homepage. The documentation should be sent via email to the address ppgemc@contato.ufsc.br (in a timely manner for submission to the Council meeting), preferably in a single pdf file.

2) Who can submit the post-master’s internship request to the graduate program?

Holders of a master’s degree, who are not part of the University’s staff, who are able to undertake their activities in a full-time basis within the graduate program to which they will be linked.

3) Which professors will be able to supervise post-master’s research?

Only professors accredited in the graduate program will be able to supervise the internship in their line of research.

4) Who approves the request for a post-master’s internship in the program?

The post-master’s internship is approved by the delegate council of the graduate program that the student is interested in, with the supervisor’s consent in the work plan.

5) After approval of the post-master’s internship in the delegate council, what is the next step?

Paragraph 1 of art. 7, of Regulation No. 63/2019 / CPG, provides that, in the case of acceptance of the candidate, the supervising professor must register the project with the Prorectorate of Research, observing the procedures established in the UFSC Research Regulation.

6) How do I enroll in the post-master’s program? 

In the postdoctoral process, after approval by the program’s delegate council, the documentation is sent via SPA to the CBO/PROPG, requesting the analysis and approval of the CAPG enrollment request. In the post-master’s, the original process referred to in article 6 must be sent to the coordinator of the graduate program for registration at CAPG.

7) What is the post-master’s duration?

The minimum duration is 3 months, and the maximum duration is 12 months.

8) Is it possible to extend the post-master’s internship?

Yes, the Regulation of the post-master’s internship allows the request for an extension of up to 12 months, at the discretion of the program’s delegate council and subject to a detailed opinion from the supervisor.

9) What are the documents required for applying for a post-master’s internship certificate?

The post-master’s researcher must present to the program coordinator a detailed report of the activities developed, duly endorsed by the supervisor, and attaching data on his/her intellectual production. The report must be attached to the original process referred to in art. 6 and submitted to the appraisal of the program’s delegate council within 30 days of the end of research activities at the Institution (sole paragraph, art. 13, of Regulation no. 63/2019/CPG).

10) How does the researcher obtain the post-master’s internship certificate?

After approval of the report, the program coordinator will issue the respective post-master’s internship certificate, according to the model provided by CAPG.

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