Support Request
1. Introduction
The support will be conditioned to the rules established by CAPES/PROEX and will be restricted to regularly enrolled students whose work has been approved to be presented at the event. Support may include the cost of expenses with the event registration fee, and the payment of up to 03 daily allowances.
2. When to request financial support
The financial support request must be sent in advance (see forms above).
3. How to request financial support
A formal request must be sent to POSMEC with signatures from the student and the supervisor (see forms above).
4. What POSMEC pays for (currently*)
1) Airline tickets: *Only for one of the external members of the examining committee. In times and routes with favorable costs. The student should preferably return on the same day as the end of the event or on the following day, provided there is a justification (rules established in the forms above). Boarding passes must be presented to POSMEC. (By decision of the Council (April 2019), the reimbursement of international tickets is suspended.)
2) Registration fees: *Available amount authorized only after analysis by the program coordinator. The student registration fee for the event can be reimbursed by POSMEC. To obtain reimbursement, the interested party will need to pay the registration fee and bring the receipt/invoice from the congress with the POSMEC coordinator’s data (HENRIQUE SIMAS/CAPES – CPF). If it is not possible to put the receipt/invoice in the name of the coordinator, the applicant must complete the Receipt Model-A- refund, sign as service provider and attach the cost document (the coordinator is always the beneficiary). The original receipt, duly completed and signed by the service provider, must be presented to the POSMEC office for payment/refund and subsequent accountability to CAPES.
3) Accommodation: *POSMEC is not currently authorizing payments for accommodation. The CAPES/PROEX rules establish that the amounts paid for accommodation cannot be higher than the equivalent amount in daily rates that would be paid for a professor who participates in the same event. The daily rate varies according to the city and is shown in Table I of the Appendix. The accommodation invoice must be issued in the name of the coordinator (according to the data above), with the description of the accommodation in the name of the interested party. If it is not possible to put the invoice/receipt in the name of the coordinator, the student should use the Receipt-Model-A-refund for reimbursement of expenses.
5. Restrictions
When the work has more than one author, POSMEC will only provide support for the participation of one of the co-authors for each work presented. POSMEC may provide up to one financial support per student each year, which is subject to the availability of resources. Students taking a leave of absence, whose situation within the program is not regular, with low academic performance, enrolled in a single course or alumni, will not receive support by POSMEC. Students whose supervisors are not meeting their obligations to POSMEC may be denied their request for support.