E_Full-Time Doctoral Degree
Full-Time Doctoral Degree
Full-Time (FT) Doctoral students must maintain an average study load of not less than forty (40) hours per week of exclusive dedication to the activities related to the program, both at the stage in which they are attending the courses and during the development of their dissertation.
Application Period
Application for admission in the doctoral program can be done at any time of the year. After approval, the registration and scholarship activation only occurs at the beginning of the next academic term.
The Selection Process
For each applicant, a Selection Committee formed by three faculty members from the applicant’s area of interest is designated. The selection is made based on the documentation provided by the applicants in the application. Several parameters are evaluated, including the undergraduate and graduate transcripts, CV analysis, reference letters, R&D experience, work plan provided, etc. The Selection Committee determines whether the applicant is accepted or not, and, in case of approval, it also determines which master’s degree courses are going to be validated. The doctoral student must have obtained a performance index of 3.25 or above, on a scale of 0 to 4 (or 8.125 on a scale of 0 to 10), in the previous master studies.
The scholarships available and administered by POSMEC are allocated to the new doctoral students by the Scholarships Committee.
Required Documents (FT)
To apply for admission in POSMEC as a full-time doctoral student, the applicant must present the following items:
- Fill out the application form on CAPG system.
- Application form filled out (Application Form);
- Undergraduate transcript;
- Copy of undergraduate diploma;
- Graduate transcript (in order to validate courses taken in another institution, you must attach the respective course descriptions);
- Certified copy of Master’s diploma, or record of Master’s thesis defense;
- Two photographs 3×4;
- Certified copy of the ID card and CPF (Individual Taxpayer Number);
- Certified copy of the birth/marriage certificate;
- “Curriculum Vitae” (free form or Lattes);
- Two reference letters (Reference Form)
- Letter of recommendation from the Master’s degree supervisor;
- Work plan made in agreement with the supervisor (maximum of 10 pages);
- Statement from an accredited faculty member of the program stating his/her agreement to advise the applicant on the intended work plan;
- Indicate the language of choice (German, Spanish, French or Italian) to take the second language proficiency exam.
In addition to the above documentation, foreign applicants must send the copy of the Master diploma with the consular seal of the Brazilian Embassy in the country of origin; copy of the passport data page; and copy of the RNE (identity card for foreigners).
The item 11 must be sent directly to POSMEC by the informant. The other documents must be posted and sent to POSMEC’s office at the address provided below or hand delivered.
Mailing Address Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica/UFSC Centro Tecnológico – UFSC – P.O. Box. 476 – Trindade 88040-900 – Florianópolis – SC- Brazil |